admin, Author at Fix the Grid Accelerating a just transition to a democratic, transparent and renewable electric grid Wed, 05 Mar 2025 17:10:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 admin, Author at Fix the Grid 32 32 220159544 MCAN Energy Democracy series: Wed, 05 Mar 2025 17:07:51 +0000 Maine Climate Action Now is hosting a three-part webinar series  decoding energy regulators, net energy billing misinformation, and strategies for utility accountability. Tuesday, March 4th at 12pm: The regulatory framework: PUC + OPA overview by Ken Colburn (ACTT, Efficiency Maine Trust) and Beth Woolfolk (ACTT)Tuesday, March 11th at 12pm: Net energy billing: separating fact from fiction […]

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Maine Climate Action Now is hosting a three-part webinar series 

decoding energy regulators, net energy billing misinformation, and strategies for utility accountability.

Tuesday, March 4th at 12pm: The regulatory framework: PUC + OPA overview by Ken Colburn (ACTT, Efficiency Maine Trust) and Beth Woolfolk (ACTT)
Tuesday, March 11th at 12pm: Net energy billing: separating fact from fiction by Johannah Blackman (ACTT) and Scott Vlaun (CEBE)
Thursday, March 20th at 12pm: Utility justice and accountability by Lucy Hochschartner (MCV) and Francis Eanes (MLCC)
Register here.

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March Consumer Liaison Group meeting: Tue, 04 Feb 2025 16:22:45 +0000 The next meeting for ISO NE’s Consumer Liaison Group is coming up on Thursday, March 27th in Providence, RI! Registration no longer requires an ISO-TEN account, and is optional for virtual participation but mandatory for in person attendance. This meeting’s topic is: “What’s In Demand (and In Control): The Role of Energy Efficiency and Demand […]

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The next meeting for ISO NE’s Consumer Liaison Group is coming up on Thursday, March 27th in Providence, RI! Registration no longer requires an ISO-TEN account, and is optional for virtual participation but mandatory for in person attendance. This meeting’s topic is: “What’s In Demand (and In Control): The Role of Energy Efficiency and Demand Forecasting in Planning for the Region’s Grid and Markets.” Register here.

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(CT) Community Engagement Workshops for PURA: Tue, 04 Feb 2025 16:05:09 +0000 Nonprofit Accountability Group (NAG) is excited to invite you to apply to participate in a paid workshop series hosted by NAG in association with Dr. Mark Mitchell and Attorney Cynthia Jennings! This opportunity is designed to support your engagement in the upcoming public utility public meetings hosted by the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA). Apply here. […]

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Nonprofit Accountability Group (NAG) is excited to invite you to apply to participate in a paid workshop series hosted by NAG in association with Dr. Mark Mitchell and Attorney Cynthia Jennings! This opportunity is designed to support your engagement in the upcoming public utility public meetings hosted by the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA). Apply here. Contact Tenaya Taylor for any questions 860-840-7287

  • Schedule: All workshops will take place on Saturdays starting February 8th, 2025. Compensation: Participants will receive $25/hour for their time.
  • Bonus: A $100 bonus will be awarded for perfect attendance at all workshops. 
  • Lunch provided at every session.
  • Childcare and transportation assistance available via stipends.

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(FERC) Office of Public Participation (OPP) Tue, 24 Dec 2024 19:47:01 +0000 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC) Office of Public Participation (OPP) recently released the educational video “FERC’s Role in Regulating the Construction of Interstate Natural Gas Transmission Pipeline Projects” that explains the three phases of interstate pipeline construction: what happens after FERC authorizes a pipeline and before construction begins, FERC’s role during construction, and FERC’s role after construction is complete.

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Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC) Office of Public Participation (OPP) recently released the educational video “FERC’s Role in Regulating the Construction of Interstate Natural Gas Transmission Pipeline Projects” that explains the three phases of interstate pipeline construction: what happens after FERC authorizes a pipeline and before construction begins, FERC’s role during construction, and FERC’s role after construction is complete.

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MA Grid Modernization Advisory Council — Tue, 24 Dec 2024 19:31:46 +0000 They have a new website and some new public-facing materials to explain their work to various audiences. Feel free to take a look and get more information about upcoming meetings here.

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They have a new website and some new public-facing materials to explain their work to various audiences. Feel free to take a look and get more information about upcoming meetings here.

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Transmission webinar series: Thu, 14 Nov 2024 16:43:12 +0000 The State Climate Policy Network is hosting a series of transmission-focused events, including introductory webinars on the basics of transmission, expert panels diving into various specific aspects of climate-aligned transmission reform, discussion-based forums on transmission developments across the country, and opportunities to connect with transmission experts and advocates. More info here.

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The State Climate Policy Network is hosting a series of transmission-focused events, including introductory webinars on the basics of transmission, expert panels diving into various specific aspects of climate-aligned transmission reform, discussion-based forums on transmission developments across the country, and opportunities to connect with transmission experts and advocates. More info here.

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Industry News Highlights Tue, 24 Sep 2024 16:41:54 +0000 Between July 2022 and September 2024, Bob Persons wrote a biweekly digest of industry news for Fix the Grid members.  Thank you, Bob! This is the link to the archive for his Fix the Grid Technical Group Industry News Digest.  Bob recommends the following sources for industry news going forward. All of them allow for email […]

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Between July 2022 and September 2024, Bob Persons wrote a biweekly digest of industry news for Fix the Grid members.  Thank you, Bob! This is the link to the archive for his Fix the Grid Technical Group Industry News Digest

Bob recommends the following sources for industry news going forward. All of them allow for email subscriptions.

John Kemp’s daily Best in Energy: An interesting big-picture source, particularly from the financial perspective.

Northeast Energy News: It draws from a multitude of local and regional sources. 

Utility Dive:  Reporters have inside connections to FERC and all U.S. regional transmission organizations including ISO-NE. Comprehensive resource.

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ISO-NE Public Board Meeting: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 16:29:58 +0000 Save the date now for the one public board meeting of the year hosted by ISO-New England! It will be in Boston on Wednesday, November 6th, most likely in the middle of the day. We’ll send out more details as soon as we have them.

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Save the date now for the one public board meeting of the year hosted by ISO-New England! It will be in Boston on Wednesday, November 6th, most likely in the middle of the day. We’ll send out more details as soon as we have them.

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Managing peak demand during summer heat: Tue, 23 Jul 2024 17:37:46 +0000 For those who are interested in resources related to shaving the peak (and hopefully avoiding having to turn on our most polluting power plants in overly impacted communities), check out these options:- Green Energy Consumers’ Alliance Shave the Peak notifications – Metropolitan Area Planning Council peak demand notification program (more specifically for Boston metro area but still generally […]

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For those who are interested in resources related to shaving the peak (and hopefully avoiding having to turn on our most polluting power plants in overly impacted communities), check out these options:- Green Energy Consumers’ Alliance Shave the Peak notifications

– Metropolitan Area Planning Council peak demand notification program (more specifically for Boston metro area but still generally applies elsewhere)

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Takeaways from the New England Conference of Public Utility Commissioners Mon, 08 Jul 2024 21:23:25 +0000 20 -21 May 2024, Bretton Woods NH Roy Harvey The NECPUC Symposium is an annual gathering of the New England Conference of Public Utilities Commissioners, i.e., NECPUC.  Many other organizations were represented, including the utilities regulated by NECPUC members, ISO-NE (who had the largest contingent), climate and consumer advocates, and others.  The presentations and a […]

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20 -21 May 2024, Bretton Woods NH

Roy Harvey

The NECPUC Symposium is an annual gathering of the New England Conference of Public Utilities Commissioners, i.e., NECPUC.  Many other organizations were represented, including the utilities regulated by NECPUC members, ISO-NE (who had the largest contingent), climate and consumer advocates, and others.  The presentations and a list of registrants are linked in my full notes, which you can access here.

Themes and topics included the pace and the cost of the energy transition, emissions accounting, Grid-Enhancing Technologies (GETs), Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI), Demand Response (DR), carbon pricing, and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).  The CEOs of Vineyard Offshore and Eversource both were concerned that the transition is not moving fast enough.  But the head of the Northeast Power Coordinating Council was concerned about moving too fast.  

Rob Gramlich of Grid Strategies gave a concise presentation on Grid-Enhancing Technologies.  These can double the capacity of existing transmission lines or quintuple the capacity of transmission corridors.  Current rate-making policy, which is based on return on investment, does not encourage GETs, which cost less than older technology.  New rate-making policies, including a shared savings model, can incentivize GETs. Several FERC orders require or recommend considering GETs.

Richard Levitan of Levitan Associates estimated the ratepayer subsidy needed for offshore wind at $24 billion over 30 years, which works out to about 1.5 cents/kWh.  Jamie Van Nostrand, chair of the Massachusetts DPU, discussed regulatory “sticks” and financial “carrots” to implement policy goals.

A panel discussed accounting methods to track emissions and clean energy production, including hourly matching. Mason Emnett, Sr VP of Constellation Energy, said that carbon pricing would be better than hourly matching of renewable energy generation and demand, but states have not adopted it.

Cheryl LeFleur, former FERC Chair and present ISO-NE Board Chair, discussed working with the states and recent and anticipated FERC actions, including the recent Order No. 1920 on transmission planning.

In the final panel, Gordon van Welie, CEO of ISO-NE, listed 4 pillars that will support the transition to clean energy.  Pillar #2 is balancing resources, which includes Demand Response (DR).  He said we need two kinds of DR: several hours (day-to-night or evening-to-morning) and long duration (5 days).  

After the symposium, he told me that commercial/wholesale DR has limited additional potential because there’s little industry in NE that hasn’t already signed up to provide DR, and there’s little growth in this market. He said that with Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) and suitable state policies, retail DR could add 3-4 GW. 

Phil Bartlett, Maine PUC, mentioned NECPUC’s new retail DR group, which he chairs.  It publishes its presentations and recordings of its meetings and has an email list.  (See full notes for link.)

Gordon van Welie reiterated that a carbon price would help. He didn’t suggest a value for a carbon price, but said that one could be inferred from pricing for Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) and states’ clean energy procurements and other out-of-market programs.

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