Accelerating a just transition to a democratic, transparent and renewable electric grid

News / Latest blog posts


MA Office of Energy Transformation

The MA Office of Energy Transformation is launching their Focus Area Working Groups (FAWGs), starting with the Decarbonizing the Peak group. The kickoff webinar will be on Tuesday, October 8th from 9am to 11am, virtually and ...
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Green Energy Consumer Alliance

We’re excited to invite you to our 42nd annual Fall Meeting, with guest speaker Melissa Lavinson, Executive Director of the Massachusetts Office of Energy Transformation. Join us to celebrate climate action in the Bay State! Wednesday, ...
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MA DPU Road Show:

The Massachusetts Dept of Public Utilities is going on the road! The commissioners are hosting a series of meetings across the state to engage directly with the public. The three Commissioners, who oversee the Department, will ...
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Managing peak demand during summer heat:

For those who are interested in resources related to shaving the peak (and hopefully avoiding having to turn on our most polluting power plants in overly impacted communities), check out these options:- Green Energy Consumers’ ...
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Department of Energy

Federal Department of Energy engagement:

The DOE has an Office of Community Engagement, and they are hosting office hours to answer questions and point folks toward resources. More details about upcoming sessions: –Wednesday, July 24, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. (EDT) ...
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Announcements / Updates /Events

Department of Energy

Peer-Learning Cohort from the Dept of Energy:

The U.S. Department of Energy’s Clean Energy to Communities (C2C) program is now accepting applications for a new round of peer-learning cohorts. Participants in C2C peer-learning cohorts receive strategic and technical assistance; access to training materials, tools, and best practices; and the chance to collaborate with peers across the country. ...
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National Consumer Choice Aggregation Conference:

The Local Energy Aggregation Network is hosting a conference in Washington, DC on October 8-10. From workshops to panel discussions, CCA 2024 offers a platform to explore the role of local communities in scaling the climate transition, while utilizing local, state, and federal resources. Participants will exchange best practices on ...
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The videos from our Fix the Grid Community Summit are now available!

 You can find them all on Fix the Grid’s YouTube channel and share them from there.
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Demand Response & Energy Democracy

#NoCoalNoGas at the #CLG Meeting! Yesterday the topic was “demand response,” which focuses on energy grid management that reduces our times of highest energy usage. New England’s grid operators (ISO-NE) don’t utilize demand response mechanisms quite as much as other regions, preferring to have “peaker plants” that get called to ...
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Follow up from MA EJ Table event on energy siting reform:

Nearly 250 people attended the EJ forum in person and online back in January! If you have not yet signed the petition to support the bill for siting improvement, please do so now. And if you have, thank you- please help spread the word. Here is the recording of the event if you would ...
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Video recording of FERC Office of Public Participation Workshop

OPP recently held a workshop on “Public Participation in the Natural Gas Pre-Filing Review Process,” which is now available online here.  OPP’s next WorkshOPP, this fall, will focus on participating as an intervenor in Commission proceedings.
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Facebook feed:

Upcoming Action


ISO-NE Public Board Meeting:

Save the date now for the one public board meeting of the year hosted by ISO-New England! It will be in Boston on Wednesday, November 6th, most likely in the middle of the day. We’ll send out more details as soon as we have them.
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Stand Against Fossil Gas Expansion in our Back Yards

Apparently Enbridge didn’t get the memo.  The memo being that we are in a climate red alert!  That we must transition away from fossil fuels. That we must stop expansion of fossil fuel infrastructure immediately! That Massachusetts and other New England states have committed to a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions on an accelerated timeline, which means we must transition away from use of fossil gas now. Instead, Enbridge, the infamous pipeline company responsible for Line 3, Line 5, and the Weymouth Compressor, is proceeding with a 23% capacity expansion of the Algonquin pipeline. This pipeline runs from New Jersey ...
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Submit a comment to ISO-NE!!

Last Wednesday, ISO-NE held their second ever open board meeting. Please submit written comments to the board regarding Fix the Grid’s demands! You can email comments to If you submit a comment, please note these asks: Ask that ISO-NE respond specifically and publicly to your comment, and all the comments submitted, the way state and federal agencies do.
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