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The U.S. Department of Energy’s Clean Energy to Communities (C2C) program is now accepting applications for a new round of peer-learning cohorts. Participants in C2C peer-learning cohorts receive strategic and…
You can find them all on Fix the Grid's YouTube channel and share them from there.
#NoCoalNoGas at the #CLG Meeting! Yesterday the topic was "demand response," which focuses on energy grid management that reduces our times of highest energy usage. New England's grid operators (ISO-NE)…
Nearly 250 people attended the EJ forum in person and online back in January! If you have not yet signed the petition to support the bill for siting improvement, please do so…
OPP recently held a workshop on “Public Participation in the Natural Gas Pre-Filing Review Process,” which is now available online here. OPP’s next WorkshOPP, this fall, will focus on participating…