The videos from our Fix the Grid Community Summit are now available!
You can find them all on Fix the Grid's YouTube channel and share them from there.
You can find them all on Fix the Grid's YouTube channel and share them from there.
The Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Program, Metropolitan Area Planning Council, and Pioneer Valley Planning Commission are developing a “Climate Resilience Playbook” (Expected Spring 2025). Do you work for a local government,…
MassEnergize is hosting a one-day conference for climate leaders, community organizers, municipal sustainability officers, and members of climate and sustainability-focused organizations. Anyone working to educate and motivate others to take climate action…
Nearly 250 people attended the EJ forum in person and online back in January! If you have not yet signed the petition to support the bill for siting improvement, please do so…
Check it out here , and many thanks to Ron Blau for creating it.
Where does it all go? - Environmental Justice and Building Our New Grid - Saturday, January 20th, 2024 2pm - 3:30pm Hybrid Event: In person at First Parish Concord -…
Last Wednesday, ISO-NE held their second ever open board meeting. Please submit written comments to the board regarding Fix the Grid's demands! You can email comments to If you submit a comment,…
The FTG Digital Presence Committee is responsible for the FTG website and social media presence via Facebook We support the mission of FTG by bringing our message and…
The MA Office of Federal and Regional Affairs (within the Office of Energy and Env Affairs) is hiring a new director position. You can take a look at the job…
We have decided to postpone the Fix the Grid Community Summit to early 2024 - likely Saturday, March 2nd if you'd like to save the date, but we'll firm that…